Topics & Tracks

  • Materials Science: Polymer, ceramic and metal matrix composites, green composites, fibrous and particulate composites, hybrid composites, self-healing composites, energy harvesting and storage, micro and nano composites.
  • Processing and Manufacturing: Process modelling, manufacturing technologies, experimental methods, liquid composite molding, recycling of composites, additive manufacturing and machining of composites.
  • Experimental Methods: Digital image, ultrasound, acoustic emission and electromagnetic waves, X-ray computed tomography, interferometric techniques, thermography, micro and nano scale testing, Moire and grid based techniques, other new testing methods.
  • Mechanical Properties: Fracture and damage, fatigue, dynamic fracture, dynamic behavior, tribology and wear, interfaces and interphases, creep and aggressive environment.
  • Advanced Atomistic and Continuum level Modeling: Molecular dynamics, Density functional theory analysis, Monte Carlo technique of atomistic modeling, meso-scale modeling, Finite element modeling (FEM) of composites.
  • Applications of Composites: Space applications, automotive, rail and bio-medical applications, offshore and sub-sea applications, renewable energy, composite repair and industry needs.