Publication Details

All the submitted conference papers will be blind peer reviewed by the competent reviewers and subsequently on the basis of the theme and also based on the parameters like originality, clarity, completeness and coherence of the ideas will be published in Scopus indexed journals/ Edited books/UGC listed journal /peer reviewed journal. (Charges for the publication in the journal/book will be extra). For publication of research paper in ISBN Book Rs. 700/- per paper (for additional copy of book, payment of Rs.700 to be made), Rs.1200 for Peer reviewed journal, Rs.4000/- in UGC- CARE listed journal and Rs. 8000-15000/- for SCOPUS Indexed journal will be charged.

Payment for publication of paper shall be made only after the acceptance of paper for publication.
The plagiarism of the paper should be less than 10%.