Call For Abstracts And Full Length Manuscripts

The scientific committee of FATE-2022 invites abstracts of papers from interested scholars, scientists, researchers, faculties and students for the consideration of Oral/Poster presentation. Full length manuscript would be invited from accepted abstracts after due review.
Send the abstract and full length papers at [email protected]


Author Guidelines
  • Authors are requested to submit their abstract through e-mail ([email protected]) in Microsoft Word format. Abstract, not exceeding 250 words with 4-6 keywords, should be typed in Times New Roman (font size 12), line space- 1.5.
  • Abstract should provide brief details regarding objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions.
  • The title should be followed by the names of the author(s). The name of the principal author/corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) and the name of the author who would be presenting the paper should be underlined.
  • Give complete affiliation of the authors.
  • After receiving the abstract, an acknowledgment will be sent to the author with the reference number. This number should always be quoted while making further inquiries about its publication.
For more information regarding submission guidelines, authors are requested to visit the following website:

Important Note: 

Selected papers will be published in Scopus indexed journal (Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology). Submitted articles will be peer-reviewed and screened for plagiarism before final acceptance. The authors will be given additional time for final submission of Publication.