International Conference On
Advances In Material Science
And Technology (ICAMST-2022)
November 25-26, 2022 Online Registration



School of Mechanical Engineering under the aegis of Lovely Professional University is organizing an International Conference on advances in Material Science and Technology (ICAMST) from 16-17 September 2022. Material science and technology plays an important role towards sustainable development in various applications in the field of mechanical, aerospace, automobile, marine, mechatronics and many more. The ICAMST conference aims to provide a premier arena for discussing innovative research contributions and practical breakthroughs in the field of Materials Science and Technology in order to contribute to technological progress for the nation.

Objectives of the Conference

  • The main objective of the conference is to provide a unique platform to facilitate the scientists, researchers, academicians, industrialists and students to share the recent advancements and the challenges in technological development in the field of Material Science and Technology.
  • To exchange Innovative Ideas among the researchers in the area of advances in Materials Science from all around the world.
  • To provide an opportunity to national and international experts and industry leaders to share their experiences and success stories.

The Patrons

  • Ashok Mittal
    Shri Ashok K Mittal Chief Patron

    Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India

  • Rashmi Mittal
    Smt Rashmi Mittal Chief Patron

    Pro Chancellor,
    Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India
