Publication Partners

All submitted conference papers will be peer-reviewed by competent reviewers. The assessment of the papers shall be made on the basis of their relevance to the theme of the conference and on the parameters like originality, clarity, completeness and contribution to the discipline. Selected papers will be called for presentation and will be invited for publication in the partner/ featured conference journal/s after due blind/ peer review process (or accepted as per journal policies and review process). A few approved conference proceedings are mentioned below:

Iop Conference

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

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Extended version of selected papers from the conference will be published in SCI/SCIE, Scopus Journals duly indexed in Web of Science databases. There are no separate publication charges for the inclusion of selected papers from conference to Journal. There are many more reputable journals to come, but a few are listed below.


Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

An International Forum for Thermal Studies

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Taylor and Francis

Chemical Engineering Communications

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Clean Energy

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