Call for Papers

Authors are requested to submit their paper through email [email protected] in Microsoft word format. Manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman, font size-11 with 1.5 cm spacing, thoroughly revised before submission. No editing or material changes at the proof stage will be permitted.

The title should be short, specific, and informative, not exceeding 25 words, typed first letters in capitals, Latin names in italics/underlined. The title should be followed by name(s) of author(s). The name of the principal author should be marked with asterisk (*) and name of the author who would be presenting the paper should be underlined.

While sending the abstract, the author should indicate the Thrust area above the title in Arial font (font size 14 bold). After receiving the abstract, an acknowledgement will be sent to the author with the registration number. The number should always be quoted while making further enquiry about its publication. The whole manuscript pages including table, figure and reference should be numbered consecutively. Typical sequence for research manuscript is title page, author’s name, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgements, references, table, figures, and legends. Key word is restricted to 6. Abstract should be limited to 300 words. The papers will be screened for originality and further reviewed by two referees, and selected papers will be published in Scopus listed Journal. Authors are requested to submit the revised manuscript according to the Journal guidelines before the specified deadline. Note: Additional charges will be applicable for the publication in journals.