Publication Ethics

Commitment to Integrity

Our conference is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. We expect all participants, authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to ethical practices in the submission, review, and publication processes. We believe that integrity is the foundation of scholarly communication, fostering trust among all stakeholders. Upholding these standards not only enhances the quality of research but also contributes to the credibility of the academic community.


Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the research. All contributors should be listed as co-authors, and the corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper. It is essential that all authors are aware of their responsibilities and the implications of their contributions. This transparency helps to prevent disputes over authorship and ensures proper credit is given where it is due.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must ensure that their work is original and has not been published elsewhere. Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited, including the unauthorized use of ideas, text, or data from other sources. Authors are encouraged to properly cite all references and sources to acknowledge the contributions of others. This practice not only respects intellectual property rights but also enriches the academic discourse.

Data Integrity

Authors should provide accurate and reliable data in their submissions. Fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting of data is unethical and unacceptable. Maintaining data integrity is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the credibility of research findings. Researchers should be prepared to share their data and methodologies to facilitate transparency and reproducibility.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors, reviewers, and editors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the objectivity of the research, review, or publication process. Transparency regarding conflicts of interest is vital for maintaining the integrity of the research process. It ensures that decisions are made based on academic merit rather than personal or financial interests.

Peer Review Process

Our peer review process is conducted impartially, and reviewers are expected to evaluate submissions based on their academic merit. Reviewers should maintain confidentiality and avoid using information from the review process for personal gain. The peer review process is essential for ensuring the quality and credibility of published research. Constructive feedback from reviewers contributes to the improvement of the manuscript and the overall academic discourse.

Handling of Misconduct

Any allegations of misconduct, including plagiarism, data manipulation, or ethical violations, will be thoroughly investigated. If misconduct is confirmed, appropriate actions, such as retraction of the publication, will be taken. We are committed to maintaining a culture of accountability and ethical behavior in research. Ensuring that all participants adhere to these standards protects the integrity of the academic community and promotes trust in published research.

Malpractice Statement

Research Misconduct

Our conference has a zero-tolerance policy towards research misconduct, including plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication. All submissions are subject to scrutiny, and any unethical behavior will result in rejection or retraction of the paper. We believe that fostering an ethical research environment is essential for the advancement of knowledge. By enforcing strict policies against misconduct, we aim to uphold the integrity of the scholarly community.

Reporting Malpractice

Any individual who becomes aware of unethical behavior or malpractice in any aspect of the publication process should report it to the conference organizers. All reports will be treated confidentially and investigated thoroughly. Encouraging the reporting of malpractice is crucial for maintaining ethical standards. We assure whistleblowers that their concerns will be taken seriously and addressed promptly to protect the integrity of the publication process.

Consequences of Malpractice

  • If malpractice is confirmed, the offending parties may face consequences, including but not limited to:
  • Retraction of the published paper.
  • Notification of the author’s institution or funding body.
  • Ban from future submissions to the conference.

Prevention Measures

To prevent malpractice, all submissions will be checked for originality using plagiarism detection software. Reviewers and editors are also trained to identify potential ethical issues. Additionally, we will provide resources and training on ethical research practices to authors and reviewers. By promoting awareness and understanding of publication ethics, we aim to cultivate a culture of integrity within our conference.