Call For Abstract & Full-Length Manuscripts

Call For Abstract & Full-Length Manuscripts

Publication Partner

Toxicology International
  • (The Journal is Indexed in Scopus, WOS, EMBASE, NAAS Score 5.56, J-gate, ICI)
  • Publisher: Informatics Publishing Limited and The Society of Toxicology, India
  • Toxicology International is dedicated to publishing a wide range of scholarly works including full-length original research papers, research reviews, and short communications encompassing various aspects of toxicology.

The scientific committee of the ICCTT 2024 is delighted to announce the Call for Abstracts for the International Conference on Current Trends in Toxicology and the 43rd Annual Meeting, scheduled to take place in 2024. This prestigious event will gather researchers, practitioners, and scholars from across the globe to discuss and disseminate the latest advancements in toxicology, with a particular focus on human health and environmental safety. Interested scholars, scientist, researchers, faculties, and students may send their research work for consideration in Oral/Poster Presentation.

  • * Full-length manuscripts would be invited from accepted abstracts after due review.
  • * For the submission of the abstract please download the Brochure -
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in the English language as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx).

The complete details of Instructions to Authors are available at