About AMI

Association of Microbiologists of India

The Association of Microbiologists of India established in 1938 is one of the oldest and reputed scientific organizations of the country. Since its inception, it has contributed significantly towards the development of microbiology, particularly in areas of research and teaching in the country. At present, there are more than 5152 life and annual members and about 450 corporate members of the Association. The Association holds a National convention annually at one of the well-established centers of microbiology in the country. The association has also published a quarterly journal, "Indian Journal of Microbiology" for the last 60 years. 

Association of Microbiologists of India-LPU Unit

AMI-LPU unit at Lovely Professional University (LPU), Phagwara, Punjab, India was formed in the year 2018 and committed to popularizing microbiology in and nearby areas of Punjab via organizing conferences, seminars, meetings, workshops and trainings.