Call For Oral Presentation

Oral Presentation Domain Topics
OP1 Pharmacology Practice, Promotion, and Publication of innovation: A Way of Transforming Health
OP2 Pharmaceutics
OP3 Pharmacognosy
OP4 Pharmacy Practice and Pharma chemistry
OP5 Ayurveda
OP6 Agriculture
OP7 Biotechnology
OP8 Medical lab technology and Physiotherapy

Instructions for Oral Presentation

The oral presentation (PPT) time limit will be 10 minutes followed by 2 minutes discussion/questionnaire.

The above-given codes are for oral presentations and oral presentations are not for undergraduate students.
  • Topic should be relevant to the theme of the conference.
  • Master Student (MOP (Domain code)
  • PhD research scholar (PROP(Domain code)
  • PhD candidates (PHOP(Domain code)

1. "If anyone wishes to give an oral or poster presentation in the online mode they can also register for the conference but they need to send the mail about this to the organizing secretary."
2. Send the poster or oral abstract to respective mail (please refer scientific session to find the email)