1st International Conference on
Sustainable Energy Sources, Technologies and Systems 2023 (ICSESTS-2023) SDG-3, SDG-6, SDG-7, SDG-9, SDG-11, SDG-12, SDG-13 and SDG15

Advancing Sustainable Energy

August 3-5, 2023 Program Schedule Download Brochure

About Conference

Energy is backbone of any society for its sustainability. However, sustainability of the society is at risk due to continuously increasing energy demand, rampant use of limited fossil fuels and their adverse impact on the environment. Burning of fossil fuels create pollution and increases temperature of earth atmosphere, which eventually leads unfavourable conditions for food grain, soil fertility, potable water, human health and inconsistency in the natural processes (e.g. shifting the seasons). As a result, focus on of the scientific community, politicians, governments, policy and decision makers has shifted to explore and utilize the sustainable energy resources, conversion technologies, efficient process and system utilizing energy in sustainable manner that can ensure the sustainability of society in future. Recently, significant efforts have been made in different areas for developing and innovating technologies and processes for utilizing fossil fuels sustainably and conversion, utilization of renewable energy sources, preserving water resources, organic farming, food management and security, energy sufficient architecture etc. In order to ensure the sustainability, developed technologies and process are being demonstrated and implemented, low cost and highly efficient materials are explored, promotional policies are developed and new capacity buildings programs are offered. The progress and developments in the listed areas are required to be shared among the global stakeholders for speedy replication, progress and development and ensuring the sustainability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. The aim of the conference is to bring all the stake holders of sustainable development and climate change to one platform to discuss the progress, achievements and advancements in processes, methodologies, techniques, technologies, policies, education and governances that can effectively and economically contribute in addressing the issues hindering the sustainable development of the society and severely impacting the climate change. Through this conference we offer an opportunity to exchange new and advancements in the area of listed themes and subthemes among stakeholders for further speedy progress in sustainability and limiting the rise in global temperature. Moreover, the conference opens new doors for networking and initiating the bilateral and multilateral interdisciplinary research in areas of mutual interests for achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), which is essentially required limiting global warming (rise in global temperature less than 2 °C or even 1.5 °C by the end of this century) and reducing adverse impact on the agriculture, infrastructure and society.


The main objectives of the conference are:
  • To bring experts and other stakeholders of sustainable development on a common platform
  • To offer the conducive environment to the stakeholders for exchanging their ideas, opinions and research outcomes that appropriately address the issues of sustainability and climate change
  • To identify the suitable technologies, tools and processes that can ensure the sustainable global society
  • To document the innovative and economical viable options for sustainable development for future reference
  • To enable young researchers to explore the opportunities to work with top global scientists in the areas of sustainable development and climate change

Expected outcome:

  • Proceedings on Advanced knowledge on various aspects of developments of technologies, processes, techniques, materials, policies and promotional activities for sustainable development
  • Proceedings on Advanced knowledge on various aspects of developments of technologies, processes, techniques, materials, policies and promotional activities for sustainable development
  • Pathways for future course of action for expediting the process of sustainable development
  • Directive document for future research activities
  • Possible options for new academic and training programs in the area of sustainable development
  • Technologies, processes, techniques and policies to be adopted and implemented swiftly
  • Opportunities for national and international collaborative research activities
  • Opportunities for young researchers to work in nationally and internationally renowned scientists and institutions.

The Patron

  • Ashok Mittal
    Shri Ashok K Mittal Chief Patron

    Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India

  • Rashmi Mittal
    Smt Rashmi Mittal Patron

    Pro Chancellor,
    Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India
