Track Chairs And Themes

SUBJECT: Industry 5.0: Human Touch, Innovation and Efficiency

  • Track 1: Chair- Dr. Krishan Gopal
    Theme From Industry 1.0 to 5.0 - Understanding the change
  • Track 2: Chair- Dr. Mridula Mishra
    Theme: Industry 5.0 & HR - Humans & Machine Coworking
  • Track 3: Chair- Dr. Lokesh Jasrai
    Theme: Marketing 5.0 - The Future of Marketing through Lens of Technology
  • Track 4: Chair- Dr Babli Dhiman
    Theme: Finance 5.0 -Embracing technology in Banking, Insurance, Finance & Accounting
  • Track 5: Chair- Dr. Suresh Kashyap
    Theme: Smart & Sustainable Manufacturing Systems for Industry 5.0
  • Track 6: Chair-Dr. Sukhpreet Kaur
    Theme: Society 5.0 - Integrating Digital & Real World to Resolve Challenges in Business and Society