
“Commercialization of Medicinal Plant Products: Lab Techniques to Trade"
Date: 14 April 2018



“Commercialization of Medicinal Plant Products: Lab Techniques to Trade"
Date: 14 April 2018


About the conference

The aim of this conference is to bring together community leaders, academicians, scientists, and policy makers to promote and enhance programmatic collaborations to more effectively address regional, national, and local responses to the adoption and regularization of traditional herbal medicine. The conference will also provide a podium to scientists and research scholars from various organizations to put forth their innovative ideas and research findings by means of oral presentation, discussions, and poster presentations.

Message from Organizing Committee


Chairman-Local Organizing Committee

Dr. Monica Gulati

It is my pleasure to welcome all the invited speakers and delegates to PHYTOCON-2018 at Lovely Professional University, Punjab. As organizing chairman of this event, I hope to bring together through a combination of thought provoking lectures and exhibition, a programme that enhances both our domain knowledge as well as scientific intellect. A holistic and interactive approach has been employed in planning the scientific sessions.

We hope this conference will offer the participants a platform to exchange ideas, discover novel opportunities, reacquaint with colleagues, meet new friends, and broaden their knowledge. Further, this annual conference will provide the perfect forum for both faculty and participants to interact, and initiate possible future collaborations. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm invitation to all our colleagues to join us at this event. The committee looks forward to welcome you at the vibrant campus of LPU.

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Saurabh Satija

It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the International and local experts in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences to take part in PHYTOCON-2018 with “Commercialization of Medicinal Plant Products: Lab Techniques to Trade” as its main theme.

A conference of this magnitude would have not been possible without the dedication and support of each and every one of the committee chairs, organizing members, sponsors, academic institutes and all supporting organizations and specially the participants and scientific fraternity. We are sincerely putting in all possible efforts so that this conference in the state of Punjab, known for its rich cultural heritage, becomes a grand success.
