Registration Fees

Delegate category Registration (INR) On Spot Registration
Students (With Paper Presentation) 750/- 850/-
Research Scholars / Faculty/ Professionals (With Paper Presentation) 750/- 850/-
International Delegates (With Paper Presentation) 3000 or US$45 3200 or U$50
Publication 1000/- 1000/-
LPU Faculty Members  

Registration fee once paid won’t be refunded on any circumstances. If the paper is jointly presented with co-authors, each author needs to pay the fee individually.


Accommodation with nominal charges may be availed by registered participants only on prior request. On the spot accommodation will not be provided.
Accommodation for national and international delegates will be arranged in the hostels and UNI hotel in the campus on request on payment basis. Hotel accommodation outside the campus may be booked directly by the delegates.