Objectives of the conference

Objectives of the conference

The objective of the proposed conference on "Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Nutritional Security" is to address the critical challenges facing global food systems in the context of climate change, population growth, and resource constraints. The conference aims to bring together experts, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to exchange knowledge, innovations, and best practices that promote sustainable agricultural practices. Key goals include enhancing crop productivity, improving soil health, and ensuring efficient water use, while also fostering resilient food supply chains. By emphasizing the integration of modern technologies with traditional practices, the conference seeks to develop holistic strategies that ensure food and nutritional security for present and future generations, thereby contributing to the achievement of global sustainable development goals.

Outcome of the conference

The conference on "Sustainable Agriculture for Food and Nutritional Security" is expected to yield several key outcomes. These include the formulation of actionable policy recommendations to enhance agricultural sustainability and resilience, the establishment of collaborative networks among stakeholders, and the dissemination of innovative practices and technologies for sustainable farming. Participants will gain insights into improving soil health, water management, and crop productivity. Additionally, the conference aims to generate a comprehensive framework for integrating traditional and modern agricultural practices. Enhanced awareness and commitment towards sustainable agriculture among policymakers and practitioners will be fostered, ultimately contributing to improved food and nutritional security and the advancement of global sustainable development goals.