Abstract Submission

Authors are requested to submit their abstracts and papers through e-mail to SSAFS-2022 ([email protected]) in MS-word format. Abstract should be typed in Times New Roman with 12 font size with 1.5 cm line spacing and should be fully justified.

Title should be informative, specific and short, not exceeding 25 words. First letter should be capital, Latin names should be italicized or underlined. The title should be followed by name of the author(s) in bold. The name of principal author should be marked with (*) and the name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined. Affiliation should be written in bold, centered and of 10 font size.

While sending the abstract, the author should mention the theme/thrust area above the title in Times New Roman (font size 14 bold). Abstract should not be more than 250 words.

For Digital e-poster:

Dimensions in pixel 1080 width X 1536 height
38.1 width X 54.2 height